Public Meeting
Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Time: 6:00 p.m. Doors open for an open house posterboard session. 6:30 p.m. Presentation and Q&A.
Place: Dining Hall, Shore County Day School, 545 Cabot Street, Beverly.
A public meeting will be held to present the findings of the Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment Addendum. This document describes the result of site investigations and the current understanding of site conditions, including the chemicals released at the site, where those materials may have moved (i.e., in soil, groundwater, surface water, or air), and an assessment of the risk to human health and the environment posed by exposure to those materials.
Public Comment Periods
Three documents are available for public comment November 10-29 as follows:
Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) Addendum: The Phase II CSA Addendum describes the result of site investigations and the current understanding of site conditions, including the chemicals released at the site, where those materials may have moved (i.e., in soil, groundwater, surface water, or air), and an assessment of the risk to human health and the environment posed by exposure to those materials.
Click here to access the document: Part A, Part B
Click here for the presentation from the November 9 public meeting: 11/9/22 Phase II Presentation
Click here for posters from the November 9 public meeting: 11/9/22 Phase II Posters
Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan – Buildings 3 and 5 SVE Systems: This plan will be used to continue to operate the sub-slab soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems below Building 3 and 5 at the 150 Sohier Road Site. Submittal of this RAM Plan is an administrative action under the MCP and does not reflect changes in the operation of the existing SVE systems.
Click here to access the document: RAM Plan
Updated Public Involvement Plan: The update of the Public Involvement Plan (PIP) is an administrative update of the plan originally prepared in 1993 for Varian Medical Systems, Inc. (Varian), and revised in 1996, in accordance with the current regulations. The purpose of public involvement during the environmental investigation and remediation process is to ensure that the public is both informed of and has opportunities to be involved in planning the process.
Click here to access the document: Updated PIP
You may also submit comments by email to or by mail: APTIM, attn: Raymond Cadorette, 150 Royall Street, Canton, MA 02021.
Generalized Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP)
Public Involvement Process
Phase I: Initial Investigation
• Initial investigations
• Implement preliminary response actions where needed
Phase II: Comprehensive Site Assessment
• Determine nature and extent of contamination
• Evaluate potential risk to determine if cleanup plan is needed
Phase III: Remedial Action Plan
• Evaluate cleanup options based on defined criteria
(e.g., effectiveness, feasibility, comparative benefits, etc.)
Phase IV: Remedy Implementation
• Complete cleanup design and plans
• Begin treatment
Phase V: Operation
and Maintenance
• Verify that cleanup continues to operate as planned
• Monitor remedy effectiveness
Permanent or Temporary Solution
• Determination that a site has been cleaned up to background levels, if feasible, or, if not, to levels of no significant risk.
Varian Site Investigation and the Cleanup Public Involvement Process
Phase I: Initial Investigation
• Initial investigations in the late 1980s; before the MCP
• Conducted groundwater pump & treat to contain contamination
Phase II: Comprehensive Site Assessment
• Completed in 2000; no significant risk in downgradient areas
• Treatment needed to address source areas
Phase III: Remedial Action Plan
• Completed in 2001, 2012; included pilot tests of pump & treat, chemical oxidation, and soil vapor extraction (SVE)
• Multiple treatment alternatives analyzed; chemical oxidation and SVEselected
Phase IV: Remedy Implementation
• Detailed plans completed in 2002 and 2012
• Cleanup using chemical oxidation and SVEinitiated; supplemented with bioremediation
Phase V: Operation
and Maintenance
• Periodic modifications to treatment with regular reporting to MassDEP; ongoing groundwater monitoring
Permanent or Temporary Solution
• Determination that a site has been cleaned up to background levels, if feasible, or, if not, to levels of no significant risk.