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Environmental Cleanup of 150 Sohier Road
Beverly Massachusetts

Updated 10-1-2024

This website provides information about the environmental cleanup of the property located at 150 Sohier Road in Beverly, Massachusetts. Investigation and treatment of the site is being conducted in accordance with Massachusetts General Law 21E and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40.0000). The site is listed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) as site number 3-0000485, Varian-Microwave Div., and reports can be found in the MassDEP data portal under “Supporting Documents.” 

Varian Begins New Phase of Environmental Cleanup

In the past two years, environmental investigations and cleanup of the former Varian site have progressed rapidly. Prior investigations and treatment have been conducted at the site since the 1990s. These efforts were renewed and enhanced starting in 2021. Since then, the Varian project team has worked with the community and MassDEP to conduct additional investigations of indoor air, surface water and sediment, groundwater, soil, and bedrock. An updated risk assessment has been completed based on the additional data.

The risk assessment concluded that site contaminants pose no “significant risk” for local residents and current workers at the former Varian property, with the existing soil vapor treatment systems operating on the property.

Additional treatment is required under state cleanup laws to prevent potential future risk and to limit the future migration of contaminants. In 2022 and 2023, the project team identified and selected updated treatment alternatives for six areas, prepared detailed implementation plans, and has begun installing these systems.

“No Significant Risk” is a regulatory term based on site data. It describes when a contaminant is not present or exists below a level that would cause a defined level of increased risk to human health or the environment.

Figure 1 Site Map and Selected Treatment Areas

Public Outreach

The Phase IV Status Report was submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) on September 13, 2024. This report describes progress at the six selected treatment areas (also summarized below) and is available online on MassDEP’s portal. A copy of the report is available at the Beverly Public Library Reference Desk.

Treatment System Progress

Environmental cleanup is focused on six project areas (figure 1) and summarized below. More information about cleanup progress can be found on our Environmental page.

Building 3 Thermal Treatment

Status: The selected remedy – thermal treatment – was presented in the Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan (Part 1) and at the June 2023 public meeting. Well field design was completed in the fall of 2023. Drilling of thermal wells outside Building 3 began in December 2023.

Current and upcoming work: Field modifications to the exterior thermal well field are underway to treat additional source material identified during well drilling. Removal of asbestos-containing debris (identified earlier this spring during utility clearance) was completed on August 16. Exterior drilling is expected to resume in the next several weeks. The area where interior drilling will take place is being prepared (e.g., sealing, ventilation and air flow modification, air monitoring program, etc.).

Tozer Road Groundwater Treatment Barrier

Status: The selected remedy – a groundwater treatment barrier – was presented in the Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan (Part 1) and at the June 2023 public meeting. A pre-design investigation is ongoing along Tozer Rd to provide data to help refine the treatment barrier design.

Current and upcoming work: Drilling for soil and groundwater sampling began in August. This included the installation of four new wells and seven new soil borings. That work will continue into September to support the final design of the barrier. Some of these efforts will take place on the educational center property at 28 Tozer Rd, and sampling will be conducted outside of school hours to limit disruption to the students. The schedule for barrier installation will be finalized once the investigation is complete.

Stream A Granular Activated Carbon Adsorptive Barrier

Status: The selected remedy – a granular activated carbon adsorptive barrier – was presented in the Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan (Part 1) and at the June 2023 public meeting. The carbon mats were installed in October 2023.

Current and upcoming work: Regular inspection of the treatment mats has continued as scheduled. A historical drainpipe was encountered during the installation of the adsorptive barrier. The adsorptive barrier covers the drainpipe and treats the discharge. A video survey of the drainpipe was completed on July 15 and shows a collapsed pipe. This pipe is not connected to the stormwater drainage system on Longview Drive/Terrace; it is likely a defunct drainage pipe associated with the farm historically located in the area.

PSL-10 Subgrade Biogeochemical Reactor

Status: The selected remedy – a subgrade biogeochemical reactor – was presented in the Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan (Part 3) and at the November 2023 public meeting.

Current and upcoming work: System design is 60% complete. The City of Salem is currently evaluating the proposed treatment design to confirm it will not affect their existing water main in the work area. Contracting for the installation of the remedy is complete. Installation of the associated well system is scheduled to begin in the fall.

Building 5 Bioremediation

Status: The selected remedy – bioremediation – was presented in the Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan (Part 2) and at the November 2023 public meeting.

Current and upcoming work: Varian is planning to conduct investigation and treatment simultaneously. Pressure injection will be used beneath the building to increase the influence of the treatment. A field structural evaluation of Building 5 was completed in August to confirm that the pressure injection will not affect the building. The results of that evaluation should be available in September with drilling and treatment expected to begin this fall.

Bedrock In Situ Chemical Oxidation

Status: The selected remedy – in situ chemical treatment – was presented in the Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan (Part 2) and at the November 2023 public meeting.

Current and upcoming work: Pre-design drilling and geophysical testing began in July and included rock fracture testing at six locations and the completion of eight wells at 150 Sohier Road in August. Some additional testing is planned in September and October to confirm connections in bedrock fractures.

Site-Wide Sampling

Results from site-wide groundwater testing and indoor air sampling conducted in May and June 2024 were documented in the above-referenced Phase IV Status Report.

Site History and Overview

The former Varian Facility, located at 150 Sohier Road, is currently owned by another firm and operated as an active manufacturing facility for microwave and radar products.

The 150 Sohier Road property has been used as an industrial facility since the early 1950s. Industrial solvents were released to the environment due to the chemical handling and disposal practices that were common at the time, before more strict environmental regulations were enacted. These solvents, used primarily for surface treatment, cleaning, and degreasing operations, included trichloroethene (TCE), perchloroethene (PCE), and 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA). Releases of these solvents occurred in three main areas: the Building 3 area, the Building 5 area, and an open field known as PSL-10.

TCE, PCE, and TCA are heavier than water and have limited ability to dissolve in water. For that reason, they are often referred to as “dense nonaqueous phase liquids” (DNAPLs). They also tend to evaporate easily and are referred to as volatile organic compounds or VOCs.

Opportunities for Public Involvement

Meetings presentations, videos, posters, the most recent fact sheet, and information about how you can learn more can be found on our Public Involvement page.

A public meeting was held on September 18, 2024. The presentation and meeting video are available on the public involvement page. The next Technical Assistance Group (TAG) meeting will be held in early January (date to be announced.)

Our Commitment

Varian is committed to conducting response actions according to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, engaging stakeholders, and keeping the community informed of progress.

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